July Update

For many students across the country school is resuming in person.  Believe it or not the Rez schools are as well.  Mask mandates are in place as well as other strategies for social distancing and efforts to protect this vulnerable population in the classroom.  Also, like most of the country we are seeing rising numbers of cases on the Rez.  Over the past week the “reopening plan” was moved backwards from Phase Yellow to Phase Orange and curfew was implemented.  This continues to mean no mission trips at this time.  

Relief efforts are resuming or increasing with some of our indigenous churches.  The need for assistance is increasing.  As a ministry we are increasing our support to the congregations that are working to serve their communities in this way.  We are also continuing our support towards churches reaching out through the VBS boxes that were shipped as well as helping send curriculum and Bible based activities into homes.  One church in particular is in need of a vehicle that will assist them in making these deliveries and transition to children’s ministry transportation when church services resume.  They have located a vehicle that is reasonably priced and are interested in making a purchase.  If this is something you would like to support please reach out to me directly.  BHP has initiated the purchase of land in Bluff, UT and will be prayerfully considering its use for ministry for the future.  One way you can be involved in the long term goals of BHP is to be in prayer that we have a clear vision for how it can directly benefit the Navajo people.  Collectively with the board we feel strongly that we should not operate with debt and are working to pay this off as quickly as possible.  If you would like to contribute financially to this please use the DONATE button on the menu.

The Galloway family has relocated to Townsend, GA as planned.  Charli, Kyndal and Hanner are all at St. Simons Christian School and back among their friends.  Ashli has taken the role as the art teacher there.  Colston is spending Ashli’s work day with a dear friend.  I will be continuing my work at Utah Navajo Health System remotely.  The plan is to be on the Rez for ministry efforts every 8 weeks.  We will be scheduling in advance our trips in order to be most efficient in supporting our indigenous church families.  We are only a few weeks into our home and have an overwhelming sense of peace in that we have made a choice that is good for both BHP and our children’s future.  Thank you to those of you who assisted in the transition and are a part of our team.  

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