December Update

Another year in the books!  Although, nothing is coming to an end but the calendar.  The Galloway’s started the year in prayer about the next right steps for our family and God was faithful in providing an answer.  Ashli and I continue to search for meaning in the hard lessons learned while living on the Rez.  We seek peace for our children and hope that they too can find answers.  We spent 4 years living with a group of people we find more connection with now than we do our own “culture.”  

Hanner, Jeffrey Benson and myself (Justin) went on a 4 day trip this month to the Rez.  In those 4 days we covered 3 states, 4 churches and unknown miles.  We were able to deliver meat from two pigs that we as a family spent the past year raising for meat.  Each of the 4 churches received half of a pig (which is a lot of meat) to feed their families.  We have since received messages of thanks and pictures of meals being consumed.  We gained insight into future plans for the churches, hopes for 2022 and strategies we can use to support them in their outreach.  The biggest investment anyone can make in Kingdom work is time.  Invest your time living life with the people you are serving.  During our trip, hugs were given and received, tears were shed and meals were shared.  We are days away from closing the gap on finances to purchase a van for White Rock Point.  The van will be used to deliver goods, supplies, food, etc. during the continued COVID-19 pandemic on the Rez.  When churches re-open at full capacity it will be used to transport people to and from services, including children to Sunday School.  We have a pastor and his family who left a church after pastoring for almost 15 years to start a new evangelism ministry.  Now they find themselves in a temporary structure held up by Aspen trees and walled with tarps starting a new body of Christ next to their home.  

We have hopes that 2022 will bring new partnerships here in the East that we can use to grow efforts out West.  Will you join us in 2022?  When you sit down with your family, friends and congregation this holiday season share about the work that BHP continues to do on the Rez.  We need your support now more than ever!  

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